
A Step-By-Step Guide To Performing The Aidilfitri Prayers At Home


Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2023 (also called Eid-ul-Fitr or Lebaran) is almost here and we're definitely looking forward to it! But if you did not manage to go to the mosque this year, Solat Hari Raya (Eid prayers) can still be done on this special day, even if you're at home! We've come up with this simple guide to doing Eid prayers at home! P.S. We got some of these resources fromMuslim SG, theOffice of Mufti (Singapore) and theOffice of Mufti (Perlis).

Credit: Masjid Sultan Singapore on Facebook

Benefits of doing Eid prayers

The Eid prayer is highly encouraged in Islam. It's considered a "Sunnah mu'akkadah" (voluntary act of worship) by the Shafi'i and Maliki schools of thought. The Prophet (pbuh) never missed this prayer. Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: Allah's Apostle used to offer the prayer of Eid-ul-Adha and Eid-ul-Fitr and then deliver the Khutba after the prayer. (Sahih Bukhari)

When to do Eid prayers?

Eid prayers can be done when the sun has completely risen after Fajr prayers (around 7.30AM) until the time for Zuhur prayers. P.S. Check out our guide on how to book Hari Raya prayers at Singapore's mosques this 2022!

How to do Eid prayers?

The Eid prayers has two rakaahs and is performed without azan and iqamah. 1. Recite your intention (niat) to do the Eid prayers Individual:

Transliteration: Usolli sunnata ‘idil fitri rak'ataini ada’an lillah ta'ala

Translation: I intend to perform 2 rakaah of the Sunnah prayer of Aidilfitri for Allah ta'ala

For those of you who are praying in congregation with your family, here are the niat for the prayers:


Transliteration: Usolli sunnata ‘idil fitri rak'ataini imaamam lillah ta'ala

Translation: I intend to perform 2 rakaah of the Sunnah prayer of Aidilfitri as the Imam for Allah ta'ala

Makmum (follower):

Transliteration: Usolli sunnata ‘idil fitri rak'ataini ma’muman lillah ta'ala

Translation: I intend to perform 2 rakaah of the Sunnah prayer of Aidilfitri as the Makmum for Allah ta'ala

2. First rakaah

a) Stand and raise your hands and perform the takbiratul ihram (say Allahu Akbar)

b) Recite dua iftitah (Supplication of the Opening, it is Sunnah to do this and only for the first rakaah):

Transliteration: Allaahu Akbar Kabiraa, Walhamdulillāhi Kathīrā, Wa Subhānallāhi Bukratan Wa aṣīlā, Wajjahtu Wajhi-allazi Fatra-Samawāti wal-Ardh, Hanīfan-Musliman, Wamā ana minal-musyrikīn Inna ṣalātī, wanusukī wamahyayā, wamamātī Lillāhi rabbil-'ālamīn, Lā Syarīka lahu Wa Bidzālika Umirtu, Wa Anā Minal Muslimīn

Translation: Allah the Almighty, the Greatest. All praises be upon Him. Allah The Most Exalted of them all, day and night. I stand before The One Who created the skies and the lands. I sincerely submit to Allah and I am certainly not among those who associate Allah with other beings. Indeed my Solat, my good deeds, my life and my death are all for Allah The Lord of all the worlds. He has no partner nor parallel whatsoever, and I have been ordered as such, and I am from those who embrace Islam.

c) Perform 7 x Takbir (not including takbiratul ihram)

In between each takbir, it is Sunnah to recite this prayer quietly:

Transliteration: SubhanAllah Walhamdu-lillah Wa-La Ilaha Ilallahu Wallahu Akbar

d) Recite Surah Al-Fatihah and 1 other Surah (as per normal prayers)

e) Ruku' and sujud (as per normal prayers)

3. Second rakaah

a) Perform 5 x Takbir

In between each takbir, you can recite the same prayer as the first rakaah quietly:

Transliteration: SubhanAllah Walhamdu-lillah Wa-La Ilaha Ilallahu Wallahu Akbar

b) Recite Surah Al-Fatihah and 1 other Surah (as per normal prayers)

c) Ruku' and sujud (as per normal prayers)

d) Give salam

Note: The 7/5 x takbir is Sunnah. It is alright if you forget to do it or if you mix up the numbers for each set of takbir. However, do note that leaving it unintentionally is makruh (disliked).

Credit: Masjid Al-Falah on Facebook

4. Listen to the Aidilfitri sermon

After the prayers, it is highly encouraged to listen to the Aidilfitri sermon after Eid prayers (not mandatory). For those in Singapore, you can tune in to SalamSG TV's YouTube channel. If you're in Malaysia or Indonesia, do check the websites of your local religious organisations for updates on the Aidilfitri sermon online.

We hope this handy guide will be useful to those of you intending to perform the Eid prayers at home on Hari Raya! Time to bring the spirit of Raya into your home ? P.S. Check out these11 fun ways you can celebrate Raya at home, as well asthese simple Sunnahs of Eid.

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