
This Is Singapore's Very Own Cameron Highlands: Canterbury Road


A famous wedding photo shoot spot, this quiet, hidden gem in Singapore has recently been glorified on Tiktok for being Singapore's very own Cameron Highlands. Little is known to the local about the area except for its scenic views, cool breeze, and little slices of its history, but this is exactly why it's loved and appreciated by those who know about it!

Singapore's Cameron Highlands: Canterbury Road

Bathed in the sun's glow, Canterbury is a prime location for golden hour shots! It's exactly why photographers love the area. The best time to take your shots is around 6pm. There's a small window between then and sunset (7pm) where the sun gazes upon the site just nicely for amazing lighting. It'll leave both your memories and photos with a warm glow.

Credit: herbie_singapore on Singapore

Canterbury Road is also home to small pieces of Singapore's colonial past. One of the things it's known for is its aesthetic black and white bungalows, because they use dark timbre beams and have white-washed walls. Now protected and conserved by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), these houses are a stark contrast to the greenery around it and are a quite calming sight despite its history being tied to Singapore's war years.

Credit: hu_wong_geraldine on Instagram

According to Tiktok, you've got to head up a winding road (presumably Canterbury Road) to get to the top of a hill, and perhaps this is why it's known for being Singapore's very own Cameron Highlands on Tiktok! Check it out to find out what else you can find there. P.S. It even features a tree-swing which would excite anyone - even grown adults.

Credit: ryanthng on Instagram

With a cool breeze and beautiful scenery cast in glowing lights, this is probably also the perfect place for you to head to for calm with your loved ones. Just remember to treasure the place and keep it clean the way we would any other hidden gem in Singapore!

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