
12 Ramadan Bazaar Food You Should Try Making At Home


Ili •  Apr 30, 2020

When it comes to Ramadan, one of the things we look forward to the most is the bazaar food. Just thinking about the colourful desserts, savoury grilled meats and refreshing drinks is already making our mouths water ? But, as we’ve all heard by now, Ramadan bazaars in Malaysia and Singapore have been cancelled this year due to the COVID-19 outbreak.  

Credit: Giphy

While these bazaars have shifted themselves to online platforms, you might not find the usual goodies and yummy treats that you’re used to buying every Ramadan. So, before you throw your hands up in despair, why not consider making them yourself? That’s right - we’re here to share with you some of the popular picks from Ramadan bazaars that you can easily create in your own kitchen! 

1. Bubur lambuk

You can’t talk about Ramadan food without mentioning the all-time favourite bubur lambuk. This creamy porridge has our hearts (more precisely, our stomachs) and it’s not hard to see why. They’re flavourful, comforting and most importantly, easy to make! 

Nyonya Cooking’s recipe provides a simple 4-step guide that gives you an amazing homemade bubur lambuk ayam. Using simple ingredients like rice, coconut milk, chicken meat and chicken stock, making this dish is a breeze. Plus, the recipe includes a variety of spices and herbs such as cardamom, parsley and cinnamon sticks. So, you know you’ll be in for a delicious treat of authentic bubur lambuk. 

P.S. Are you a first-timer in the kitchen? Then check out these 10 essential tips for how to cook at home

2. Ramly burger 

We would be doing you a severe injustice if we didn’t include Ramly burger in this list ? Whether you’re a burger lover or not, it’s hard to resist the combination of its juicy patties, tangy sauce and egg all sandwiched between two lightly toasted soft buns. Even outside of the fasting month, Ramly burgers are a major hit as a go-to late-night snack. So why not have it during your iftar as well?   

The three key things to remember when making this awesome burger are the patty, buns and sauce. Also from Nyonya Cooking, the recipe provides all the simple ingredients and clear steps for you to achieve the ultimate Ramly burger at home! There are slight variations when it comes to creating the sauce, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different ingredients. Let your taste buds guide you on this one and soon, you’ll find yourself making it over and over again throughout Ramadan. 

P.S. Running out of ideas for sahur? Here’s 30 yummy sahur recipes for everyday of Ramadan.

3. Roti John

No matter which bazaar you go to, you’re guaranteed to find several stalls selling Roti John. And unsurprisingly, you can also expect to find long lines of people queuing up for a taste of this delicious bazaar treat. While it’s flavours are far from your average sandwich, it’s easy enough to make it by yourself. 

With this recipe from 196 flavors, you’ll have no problems whipping up a tasty Roti John in your kitchen. Using simple ingredients (most of which you probably already have in your pantry), all you really have to do is combine the ingredients, pour the mixture into a heated pan that’s been oiled and place a piece of open-faced bread on top. In 2 minutes, get ready to dive into a delightfully flavourful sandwich that is Roti John ? 

4. Apam balik

As lovers of apam balik (turnover pancake) ourselves, nothing brings greater joy than indulging in the crunchiness of roasted peanuts, some creamy sweet corn and saltiness of butter ? While the fillings of an apam balik traditionally remain the same, you can find two versions of it at the bazaars: One with a thin and crispy crust while the other is thicker and softer in texture. Whichever version you’re a fan of, you can check out Asian Inspirations for apam balik recipes that’ll give you either a satisfying crunch or a fluffier bite

P.S. Take a break from cooking and turn to these 11 amazing iftar deals in Malaysia this Ramadan.

5. Murtabak

Murtabak is one of the top favourite bazaar foods whenever Ramadan rolls around. Made from a filling of onions, meat and egg wrapped in a pastry similar to roti canai or roti prata, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be making this mouthwatering, delicious pan-fried bread ?

You don’t have to make the dough from scratch, though if you want to, don’t let us stop you! For those looking to skip the dough-making process, using frozen roti canai will do the trick. Once you’ve prepped the rest of the ingredients for your filling, you can follow Yatie Kitchen’s step-by-step instructions on her Instagram post which will give you an amazing homemade murtabak maggi. 

P.S. Experiment with these 6 easy bread recipes to make at home (no bread maker required!)

6. Roti jala

Simple, convenient and tasty - that’s the beauty of roti jala ? Typically paired with chicken curry, this snack makes for a delicious iftar treat or even part of your sahur meal. And with just a few ingredients, you’ll be able to whip up a plate of roti jala by yourself in no time.

To make them, you’ll need a special cup with five nozzles. But if you don’t have one, don’t worry! You can use a squeeze bottle or resort to a DIY alternative by making holes at the bottom of a water bottle or milk carton. Once you fill your cup with some batter (made from flour, salt, egg, and coconut milk), swirl the mixture into a pan on medium-heat. After 2 minutes, carefully slide the crepe out of the pan and fold it into a neat roll once it’s cool enough to handle. 

7. Seri muka

In a sea of Ramadan bazaar kuihs, seri muka is usually one of the top picks. With a creamy, pandan flavoured custard sitting on top of a layer of glutinous rice - it’s truly the perfect sweet treat to have during your iftar meal. 

The recipe from Nyonya Cooking provides all the tips and tricks you need before making this kuih. And with no more than 10 ingredients, you won’t have to spend too much time getting everything you need. Kuih making can be tricky business especially when it comes to seri muka, but with some practice and patience, you’ll be able to get them done like a pro.   

8. Tepung pelita

At some point or another, you’ve seen pictures and videos of homemade tepung pelita posted all over social media. And whenever this two-layered kuih made of pandan custard and coconut milk pops up on your screen, it makes you yearn for a bite. So why not join the bandwagon and get to making some tepung pelita yourself? ? You can find an easy recipe to follow on Fried Chillies. Plus it has tips on how you can make sure your kuih making process goes smoothly. 

#HHWTTip: Tepung pelita that’s been chilled taste just as good, if not even better. So pop them in the fridge during the day and dig in when it’s time for iftar.

9. Kuih ketayap

If you love kuih ketayap just as much as we do, then it’s time for you to give this dessert a try! Also known as kuih gulung or kuih dadar, these gooey and irresistible desserts are a popular sell at Ramadan bazaars. You might be thinking that they're hard to make, but we're here to say otherwise! Recipes by Rasa Malaysia and Resepi Che Nom prove that you don't need a long list of ingredients to make kuih ketayap. And with easy-to-follow steps, you can look forward to having a fill of these delicious goodies in no time.

10. Onde onde

Everyone loves a classic Ramadan bazaar kuih, and what better dessert to enjoy at home than onde onde? Coated with desiccated coconut, a bite into this glutinous rice ball gives you an explosion of flavours from its palm sugar filling and pandan flavoured skin. It may be dangerously addictive, but that shouldn’t stop you from treating yourself after a whole day of fasting. Take a shot at this onde onde recipe from Rasa Malaysia. It’s a fun one to make, so get your whole family in on the kuih making process and have a blast ?

11. Agar agar santan

A traditional favourite from Ramadan bazaars is agar agar santan - a layered jelly made with thickened coconut milk and pandan juice. You can actually find different kinds of agar agar sold at the bazaars but a good place to start with is this classic flavour. Before diving into the making of this dessert, read up on these handy tips from What To Cook Today. You'll have a better idea of what to do, ways to avoid common mistakes and most importantly, get the best tasting agar agar santan you can possibly make.

12. Kek batik

If you’re a huge chocolate lover, chances are that everytime you visit the Ramadan bazaar, you never fail to leave with some kek batik ? And really, who could blame you? It’s a fantastic dessert to have especially when you’re craving for something rich and sweet. 

While you might be tempted to just order them online this year, we say give it a try yourself! Throw on your apron and have a go at Dari Dapur’s recipe which gives you clear instructions on making kek batik. For something chocolatier, this recipe from Delishably includes three different kinds of chocolate ingredients - a definite way to satisfy your foodie’s heart.  

So, if you're tired of browsing online in search of your favourite Ramadan bazaar treat, use this list as inspiration to get yourself in the kitchen and start whipping them up yourself!