Food you can find in MUJI

The Largest MUJI Flagship Store In Southeast Asia Has Halal Japanese Food And Ingredients Too


Qistina Roslan •  Nov 22, 2023

MUJI has been a name brand for all things Japanese. From stationery to furniture and even food, we can now enjoy getting some halal Japanese snacks and ingredients at MUJI! You don't have to travel to Japan to get the full variety of what MUJI has to offer.

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Where is the largest MUJI flagship store?

This amazing huge store is situated in Plaza Singapura in Dhoby Ghaut! Dhoby Ghaut is a central part of the MRT lines with the North-South Line (NSL), North-East Line (NEL) and Circle Line (CC) so it's easy to get to!

P.S: Are you heading to the city? Here are some other places for you to check out!

What can you find?

There are a bunch of MUJI branded items that are well-known and loved by all, such as their stationery section and storage organisers. MUJI's sleek and minimal design attracts people of all ages, especially those of you who love the minimalistic Japanese style that MUJI champions!

The Community Market will be the section to look out for, with goodies such as authentic Japanese pottery, fresh fruits and vegetables and even a Halal Corner where you can find halal food and ingredients right here at MUJI.

Halal Food and Ingredients in MUJI

Currently, these goodies are only available at MUJI outlets in Singapore however, we do hope that they will be available in other stores too! From halal mirin to dashi, here are some highlights on what's to come!

The halal section where you can get a number of Japanese snacks and ingredients

We can now start buying halal Japanese ingredients that we can use to make our own Japanese cuisine at home! When you walk into any MUJI outlet now, you'll see this stand with a bunch of halal Japanese snacks and ingredients that you can grab. We'll be looking into this more so read on!


Products with nuts

If you're craving a little snack while on the go, you can grab some of the nuts that are available here. There's a wide variety available, and some even come in different flavours. There are roasted cashews and other varieties that you can grab.

Green Tea

Japanese green tea

Japanese green tea is a must-buy when it comes to Japanese goodies. Grab some from MUJI and make yourself some delicious green tea at home!


Halal dashi powders

The heart of Japanese cooking, dashi is integral in achieving the umami flavours that permeate Japanese food. If you've always wanted to try making some at home, you can use the dashis found here to level up your cooking skills!


Different types of rice

If you've wanted to try ready-to-eat rice meals, there are a few varieties here for you to try! The 3 varieties that are available for you to try out: Bamboo Shoots Rice, Kinoko Mushroom Rice and Gomoku Mixed Rice.


Halal mochi

If you had ever wanted to try authentic mochi, you can grab some for yourself now! Pair it with toppings of your choice or you can add them to savoury dishes. For instance, using them in soups like Ozoni, with noodles like Chikara udon or even with Okonomiyaki.

Kinoko Powder (Soybean Flour)

Roasted soy flour

If you've gotten your mochi, you should also pair it up with its traditional pairing: Kinoko powder! Or you can add them to your shakes, smoothies, ice creams and even baked goodies.

Mirin and Soya Sauce

Halal mirin and soya sauce

Did you know that mirin can be halal? Well, you now you do and you can grab some to pair with your cooking at home at MUJI! There are also other sauces available such as the halal yakiniku sauce!

#HHWT Tip: Grab some halal Japanese cuisine nearby to get some inspiration for your next Japanese cuisine cooking adventures!

What are you waiting for? Head down to the largest MUJI store and explore what's offered!