
Yogyakarta In 5D4N: Your Muslim-Friendly Itinerary For An Amazing Indonesian Adventure

Yogyakarta Holiday

Updated 4 October 2024 Receiving far less attention than its well-known neighbours such as Bali and Bandung, the town of Yogyakarta (also known as Jogja) boasts many scenic sights and amazing attractions that promise an exciting adventure. Credit:GIPHY From thrilling gondola rides to the iconic Borobudur Temple, it's time for you to plan your next getaway in this Indonesian city!

Day 1

Get your first look of Jogja (1-2hr)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: chakermouawad on Instagram

  • Kick off your Indonesian adventure by making a stop at one of the most popular cultural heritage sites in Jogja - Prambanan Temple. Explore the site and climb on top of the ruins that surround the complex.
  • While you're there, don't forget to catch the Ramayana ballet performance in the evenings! Ticket prices vary depending on whether you choose the indoor or outdoor shows. For the Ramayana Prambanan Ballet Show, the ticket prices are as follows: Special Seat at IDR 300,000, Category 1 Seat at IDR 200,000, and Category 2 Seat at IDR 150,000. The Shinta Obong Show tickets are priced at IDR 300,000 per person.
    For The Legend of Roro Jonggrang Show, the Special Seat costs IDR 250,000, Class 1 Seat is IDR 150,000, and Class 2 Seat is IDR 100,000. If you're attending the Ramayana ballet at Borobudur Park, ticket prices for foreign visitors are IDR 250,000 for children and IDR 400,000 for adults, while domestic visitors pay IDR 25,000 for children and IDR 50,000 for adults.
    You can find more updates on the official Instagram account of Ramayana Prambanan at instagram.com/ramayanaprambanan.

Address: Raya Jogja, Solo Km 16, Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55571 Operating hours: Open daily; 6AM-6PM Admission fee: IDR 350,000 #HHWT Tip: If you are intending to visit both Prambanan and Borobudur temple on consecutive days, do purchase a combined ticket for a cheaper price which can be bough at either venue.

Karaoke on wheels (1 hr)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: emhyyno on Instagram

  • After a long day of airport transfers and light trekking around Prambanan, relax & unwind with a trip down Alun Alun.
  • Hop onto a illuminated pedal car lined up by the pavement that brightens the street with its colourful and adorable designs. Be sure to crank up the volume and sing your heart out as you peddle your way around the area.

Address: ‪ Alun-Alun Kidul: Patehan, Kraton, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55133 #HHWT Tip: It is best to survey the prices before settling on one vehicle A single vehicle (4-pax) can range from IDR 30,000 to IDR 80,000 (SGD$3-8).

Enjoy a meal at Bakmi Pak Pele (1hr)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: Sandra Syahrul on Instagram

  • As your first day in Yogyakarta comes to an end, enjoy a delicious meal at Bakmi Pak Pele (on Google Maps as "Special Bakmi dan Nasi Goreng Pak Pele").
  • Slurp down a delicious and affordable plate of noodles, and savour the authentic taste of local dishes such as Mi Bakso and Mi Godog (Noodles in gravy).

Halal status: Muslim-owned Address: JL. Pojok Tenggara, Jl. Alun-Alun Utara, Panembahan, Kecamatan Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55131, Indonesia Opening hours: Tue-Sun; 4PM-11PM, Mon; 5PM-11PM Contact: +62 274 297 1111


Experience the life of a Sultan (4 hr)

  • Step into a Kraton or the Sultan's Palace – the official residence of the Sultan of Yogyakarta and also a living museum for the Javanese culture.
  • Watch classical dances and wayang kulit at the inner pavilion or simply snap a picture with the staff dressed in traditional clothing!

Address: Jl. Rotowijayan Blok No. 1, Panembahan, Kecamatan Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia Operating hours: Mon-Thu, Sat-Sun; 8.30AM-1.30PM, Fri; 8.30AM-12.30PM Admission fee: IDR 15,000 #HHWT Tip: The venue may be closed to host international diplomats at the residence. Do check with your tour guide or driver before making your way there!

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: hadziqramdzan on Instagram

  • Drop by Taman Sari Water Castle or what used to be the Sultan’s royal garden. While it has since been left alone and abandoned, the venue still retains the grandeur of its past glory – waiting to be captured in photographs.

Address: Wisata Taman Sari Jalan Tamanan, Patehan, Kecamatan Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55133, Indonesia Operating hours: Open daily; 9Am-3PM Admission fee: IDR 12,000

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: juwitapitaon Instagram

  • Head over to the Underground Mosque – a short 10-minute walk from the compound. Explore the catacombs and hidden chambers once used by the Sultan.

Be one with nature (3-4h)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: Hutan Pinus Puncak Becici on Instagram

  • If you are looking for a less-touristy place, Hutan Pinus Puncak Becici is the place to be. This charming destination is a great spot for you to snap an Insta-worthy photo with its abundance of wooden benches and swings!
  • While there are no admission fees, you may choose to rent a hammock and cradle to the sounds of the forest.

Address: Gunungcilik, RT.07/RW.02, Gn. Cilik, Muntuk, Dlingo, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55783, Indonesia Operating hours: Open dailt; 6AM-7PM

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: candrabukanchandraon Instagram

  • As night falls, take your Yogyakarta adventure to Pantai Parangtritis. As a beach packed with various amenities, you can ride an ATV, saddle in with the horses or simply catch the sunset while eating by the seaside and enjoying a gorgeous sunset ?


Go on an adventurous hike (5-6h)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: deavy.dsin Instagram

  • Start your day bright and early at 4am and head out to Punthuk Setumbu to catch the sunrise. Hike up the hill for 15 to 20 minutes and be greeted with breathtaking landscape bathed in a warm glow.
  • In its best conditions, you may catch glimpse of Borobudur emerging from the shadows! Even in times of cloud cover, the view at Punthuk Setumbu is still a sight to behold.
  • Note: Punthuk Setumbu is an hour's drive from Yogyakarta. So, plan your hike in advance in order to catch the sunrise in time.

Address: Magelang (Central Java) but near from jogja & close to borobudur temple. There's new place similar in Jogja called Tumpeng Menoreh. Operating hours: Opens 24 hours Admission fee: IDR 30,000 (cheaper alternative than sunrise tour at Borobudur) #HHWT Tip: There is a musollah conveniently located near the entrance of the hill where you can carry out your prayers.

Have lunch at Sekar Kedhaton (1hr)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: sekarkedhatonyogyakarta on Instagram

  • After all that hiking, there's no question that you've built up an appetite. To fuel yourself up, head over to Sekar Kedhaton where you'll find an extensive menu of traditional Indonesian and international food. Combined with its elegant Javanese architecture, this restaurant a hot favourite among locals and visitors alike!
  • Whether you're craving for Indonesia's national dish, Nasi Goreng, or feel like having Ayam Penyet (crushed chicken), you'll be treated to a delightful meal ?

Halal Status: Muslim-owned Address: JL Borobudur, Km. 2, 5, Pabelan, Mungkid, Pabelan Satu, Pabelan, Mungkid, Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56512, Indonesia Opening hours: Open daily; 8AM-9PM Contact: +62 293 789 429

Visit the iconic Borobudur Temple (1-2hr)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: ladyglobetrotter_ on Instagram

Cited as the number one tourist destination in Jogja, the Borobudur temple is not to be missed. Don’t forget to stretch it out before climbing the endless steep stairs in your quest to the top ?

  • It is important to note that on your visit to Borobudur, make sure you are dressed in appropriate clothing (covering knees and shoulders). Sarongs will also be provided prior to entering the temple.
  • You can purchase tickets for Borobudur at https://ticket.borobudurpark.com/en/. The Temple Ground Ticket costs IDR 400,000 for foreign adults and IDR 240,000 for foreign children.
    For access to the Temple Structure, there are two options:
    • Kalyanamitra: IDR 455,000 for foreign adults and IDR 305,000 for foreign children.
    • Dharma: IDR 455,000 for foreign adults and IDR 305,000 for foreign children.
    • The key difference between the tickets is that the Temple Ground Ticket provides access to the courtyard area of the temple only, without access to the temple structure. The Temple Structure Ticket includes access to the temple courtyard as well as permission to go up to the temple structure itself.

Address: ‪Jl. Badrawati, Kw. Candi Borobudur, Borobudur, Kec. Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia Operating hours: Open daily; 6AM-5PM #HHWT Tip: If you can help it, avoid visiting Borobodur on the weekends as the place can get a little too crowded.

Tour around Mount Merapi (2-3h)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: rhey_pradigta on Instagram

  • If the sound of a 4-hour hike up Mount Merapi isn't enticing to you, hop onto a jeep instead for an up-close view of Merapi.
  • The jeep tour brings you through museums, ruins of houses, ‘Alien Stone’ and the Merapi Bunker. As there are plenty of shops along the hill offering similar jeep tours, advance reservation will not be required.
  • Once you’re all set, hang on tight for a bumpy ride ahead!

Address: Dusun 2, Suroteleng, Selo, Boyolali Regency, Central Java, Indonesia Tour fee: IDR 350,000 – 550,000 (for 1 vehicle, 4-pax)


Be an explorer at Gunungkidul (7-8h)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: rino2110on Instagram

  • A trip to Jogja is not complete without a visit to Jomblang cave for the thrill of a lifetime!
  • Enjoy the breathtaking views as you are lowered down into a vertical abyss. Not to worry, safety harnesses and helmets are provided.
  • The main highlight is the journey to Grubug cave, where rays of sunlight peaks in through the roof and into the tunnel. The view is drop-dead gorgeous and definitely Instagram-worthy.
  • Another cave that can be explore in Gunungkidul is Goa Pindul.

Address: Jetis Wetan, Pacarejo, Semanu, Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55893, Indonesia Operating hours: Open daily; 9AM-1.30PM (only one tour per day, max: 75-pax) Admission fee: IDR 500,000 (includes boots, helmet, life jacket, harness, guide, lunch and insurance

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: efa_rosiana18on Instagram

  • After the muddy cave adventure, take a breather at Sri Gethuk Waterfall.
  • Walk through rice fields or pay for a boat ride to reach the foot of the waterfall. This place is good for body-rafting or just playing under the waterfall! Be careful of your steps as it can get slippery.
  • The best time to visit is during the dry season when the river is clearer. Body-rafting is not offered in the wet season.

Address: Jalan Air Terjun Sri Gethuk, Bleberan, Playen, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55861 Operating hours: Open daily; 7AM-5PM Admission fee: IDR 15,000. For the boat ride (two-way): IDR 10,000 #HHWT Tip: The admission ticket gives you access to the Rancang Kencono Cave (5-min drive away). A volunteer will guide you through the cave and provide background stories on the historic cave.

Shopping at Malioboro Street (1-2hr)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: malioborostreets on Instagram

  • Spend the night shopping away at Malioboro Street! The 1km long street comes alive at night, offering a variety of souvenirs such as x at affordable prices.

Address: Jl. Malioboro, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Operating hours: Open 24 hours. Do note that the vendors and stores are usually open from 9AM-9PM

Have dinner at Warung Bu Ageng (1hr)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: patriciasari on Instagram

  • End your day with a hearty meal at Warung Bu Ageng - an authentic Jogjakarta restaurant that is owned by renowned theatre actor, Butet Kertaredjasa.
  • Offering a variety of local Indonesia food and Javanese food, have a go at their Nasi Campur Ayam Bakar Suwiran (mixed rice with roasted chicken) or bubur duren Mlekoh (durian porridge)


Cycle across the sea (1-2hr)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: lebamsiyyton Instagram

  • Hop on an old-school gondola ride at Timang Beach and cycle across to a rocky outpost while enjoying the sight of waves crashing beneath you?
Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: gwenzsbon Instagram

Cycling in mid-air will set your heart pumping. This ride is definitely not for the faint-hearted!

Address:Jl. Pantai Sel. Jawa, Pantai, Purwodadi, Tepus, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55881, Indonesia Operating hours: While there are no official opening hours, it is best to go during daylight from 9AM-5PM. Ride fee: IDR 200,000

Savour seafood at Gubug Makan Mang Engking (1hr)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: mangengkingpurwokerto on Instagram

  • Craving for some fresh seafood fix? Gubug Makan Mang Engking is the place to go! Built around a pond, choose your own gubug (gazebo) to dine at and get ready to dive into an assortment of food such as honey grilled prawns and sweet and sour gourami fish
  • Enjoy your scrumptious meal while soaking in the gorgeous view of the restaurant and its surroundings.

Halal status: Muslim-owned Opening hours: Fri-Wed; 9AM-8PM, Thu; 9AM-7PM Address: Jl. Godean No.KM.16, Jamur, Sendangrejo, Kec. Minggir, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55562, Indonesia Contact: +62 851-0048-9732 Website |Facebook|Instagram

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: vonnyeyd on Instagram

  • After your meal, step into the whimsical world of Indonesian art 'maestro' at Affandi Museum.

Reel in your artistic side (1-2hr)

Yogyakarta Holiday

Credit: kansyaakira on Instagram

  • The extravagant architecture filled with lush greenery makes for great photo opportunities like no other!

Address: Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No.167, Papringan, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia Operating hours: Mon-Sat; 9AM-4PM (closed on Sunday, the first Monday of every month and national holidays) Admission fee: Prices vary according to the type of entrance ticket. Visit their website here. So there you go – a 5D4N itinerary to experiene some of the best of Jogja! With the vast number of attractions available, we definitely think it’s time for you to consider the city as your next holiday destination?

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