For meat lovers everywhere, halal teppanyaki is the one dish you have to try.
Especially if you love Japanese food! Using an iron griddle (called teppan in Japanese), the meat is grilled, broiled or pan-fried (or yaki in Japanese) for a delicious charcoal-grilled taste of meat.
The experience of eating teppanyaki comes best in an open-kitchen restaurant where the chefs will typically cook the meat in front of guests.
Since restrictions in Singapore have eased and we can now dine-in in pairs, it's time to switch it up and bring your buddy or partner to these 8 halal teppanyaki places in Singapore!
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1. The Straits Teppanyaki
The Straits Teppanyaki offers both Asian and Western-style dishes like The Straits Salmon Fillet, crunchy chicken skin, or halal wagyu beef grilled on a Japanese teppanyaki-style hotplate.
Sit back, relax, and watch the master chef grill your meal to perfection right in front of your eyes.
On the top floor of The Straits Teppanyaki, you can enjoy drinks from rooftop halal 'bar' Rumi The Poets Cup too!
Halal status: Muslim-owned
Opening hours: Mon-Sun (12PM-10PM)
Address: 16 Bussorah St, Singapore 199437

You get the best of both worlds with their halal Korean-Japanese fusion menu items - including the TEPPAN hotplate grills (from $7.50)!
From Bulgogi Teppan, Teriyaki Chicken Teppan to Bulgogi and Spicy Chicken Teppan and other variations, you can have both the chicken and beef on one plate for all the meat lovers out there.
Each hotplate grill comes with rice and corn on the side, so you can feast on their meat with an extra filling meal. Their easy and casual self-service kiosk and QR Ordering concept is also super convenient.
Halal status: Halal-certified
Opening hours: View opening hours here.
Address: Find outlets here.
3. Pepper Lunch Restaurant
The highly anticipated halal-certified Pepper Lunch has a menu full of premium beef steaks, salmon pepper rice, teriyaki chicken or salmon, scallop, prawns and more!
All the ingredients are served on a sizzling hot plate, usually with corn, rice and a sauce on the side.
All you have to do is mix them all together and savour the yummy combination. Not to mention that you can get pasta, don (rice bowls), mac and cheese (and more!) too.
Halal status: Halal-certified
Opening hours: View opening hours here.
Address: Find outlets here
4. The Ramen Stall
The Teppanyaki beef at The Ramen Stall is seasoned to perfection and doused with black pepper sauce so you can expect a savoury flavour at every bite!
The dish is made with tender chunks of premium beef for the best quality taste so you can rest assured of a yummy teppanyaki meal here.
Halal status: Halal-certified
Opening hours: Mon-Sun (11AM - 11PM)
Address: 787 North Bridge Road, Singapore 198755
5. Express Teppan-yaki
Located at the Food Junction in Nex Shopping Mall, Express Teppan-yaki provides a sit-down open kitchen experience for their teppanyaki, so you can see how your meat is cooked right in front of your eyes.
Their range of teppanyaki is palatable and affordable and even includes Salmon Teppanyaki for seafood lovers too!
Halal status: Halal-certified
Opening hours: Mon-Sun (10AM - 10PM)
Address: Food Junction #04-36/37 Nex, Singapore 556083
6. Buffet Town

Credit: Buffet Town
Known for its amazing array of international seafood, mixed grill, and TeppanYaki, we can't wait to enjoy Buffet Town's delicious spread with our loved ones.
Coupled with an amazing international buffet spread, you can savour anything including seafood on ice, sushi and sashimi, Japanese Teppan and Robatayaki, Western dishes, local delights, and even, desserts!
Halal status: Halal-certified
Opening hours: Lunch: 11.30AM - 3PM daily (last order at 2:30PM); Dinner: 6PM - 10PM daily (last order at 9:30PM)
Address: 252 North Bridge Road, #B1-44E Raffles City, Singapore 179103
7. Alley Wei Teppan-Yaki
Right in the heart of Bugis, this teppanyaki store has an affordable menu that you can enjoy! They serve a variety of sets and dishes such as chicken, beef, and seafood.
They offer a mix of fish, steak, and prawns for $27 If you're looking for a place to relax after work or eat during the weekends, come down to Alley Wei Teppan-Yaki!
Halal status: Halal-certified
Opening hours: Mon-Sun (11AM - 9PM)
Address: 200 Victoria Street, #B1-K23 Bugis Junction, Singapore 188021
8. Edo Shokudo
Easties! There's another halal teppanyaki restaurant at White Sands! Serving up teppanyaki sets such as the Chicken Oroshi Set ($15.50), Beef Steak Combo($21.50) or the Beef Steak Set ($25.50).
They also offer salmon too if you're craving for some fish!
Halal status: Halal-certified
Opening hours: Mon-Sun (11.30AM - 9.30PM)
Address: 1 Pasir Ris Central St 3, #02 - 04, Singapore 518457
Now you know where to bring a buddy or a loved one to feast on teppanyaki in Singapore!
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