Fancy a long, treacherous stroll on possibly the world’s highest and longest glass bridge? Stretching across a canyon dividing two mountain cliffs (also known as the Avatar Mountains) in Zhangjiajie Park, China recently unveiled the architectural feat last Saturday.
Credit: @bbcnews on Instagram
Credit: @fitioncorp on Instagram
Suspended 300metres above a sheer drop(!!!), the monstrous bridge is approximately 430metres long and 6metres wide. What’s even scarier, the structure is reportedly made up of 99 panels of clear glass and can carry up to 800 people at a time!
Designed by Israeli architect Haim Dotan, tourists and locals alike can safely walk across the bridge. For those adrenaline junkies out there, you’ll be able to bungee jump or ride a zip line.
Tourists have since flocked to the structure, preferring to capture their experiences in a variety of daring and potentially dangerous poses. Not something I’d encourage?
Credit: @ate_soil_vet on Instagram
Some favourite poses include jumping in midair, laying down and crawling. Some brave souls even attempted doing splits!
Credit: @yennynov1279 on Instagram
Cameras and selfie sticks are also reportedly banned, though some are clearly already flouting the rules ?
To demonstrate the bridge’s safety, the local authorities organised a series of media events, where in one, people tried to smash the glass panels with a sledgehammer. In another, they even drove a car across the bridge!
Credit: Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Official Channel on Youtube
If you’d like to try your luck in crossing the bridge, do note that tickets are to be booked in advance, at a cost of 138 yuan (USD21).
Let us know in the comments below how you would fare against this precarious piece of architecture?
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