Cat And The Fiddle Cheese Cake Review: Delicious Apple Pie Cheese Cake!


This review of Cat & The Fiddle cheesecake is written by our Tribes by HHWT member, Atyqah Benshahab. Read on more to find out where you could buy your birthday cakes, or just eat cake from one of the best cake shops in Singapore!

It was the 7/7 sale and I bought myself a whole Cat and the Fiddle Apple Pie Cheese Cake! It's actually called the Apple of My Eye. I was expecting the caramel apple and the crumble to be just a topping but it's not just that. Instead, the apple taste is strong and cinnamon-y, and the cheese balanced it so well.

To be honest, I thought it would taste like McDonald's apple pie merely topped with cream cheese. But Cat & The Fiddle had me pleasantly surprised.

Cat & The Fiddle Cheese Cake Review

Credit: Atyqah Bensahab

Here's the cake from the box! It looked so good even from inside the bag.

P.S. If you'd rather make your own cake, check this out!

Credit: Atyqah Bensahab

Here it is after I cut a slice for myself. A piece of cake! #punintended ?

Cat & The Fiddle Delivers This Phase 2 (HA)!

If you're craving for cakes, Cat & The Fiddle delivers cakes right to your doorstep! They even do same day deliveries for your strong cake cravings and emergencies ?

Halal-Status: Halal-Certified


Looking to satisfy your cravings for cake? Check these out!

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