9 Cafe-Worthy Recipes To Make For Yourself At Home


While most of us are spending a lot of our time at home due to the current COVID-19 situation worldwide, it is undeniably tough to crave our usual go-to cafe food. Fret not, as we’ve come up with a list of cafe-worthy food that you can easily whip up at home!

Credit: Giphy

Ready to satisfy that craving of yours? We are avid believers that everyone CAN cook, and we hope these foolproof recipes serve as a stepping stone for your cooking adventure right at your humble kitchen. Time to unleash your Masterchef potential!

1. Avocado toast

Don’t we all love avocado toast? Avocado is a superfood that is packed with nutrients and antioxidants that can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. It is also rich in unsaturated fat and dietary fibre, making it the perfect food you can eat to stay full for longer.


  • Avocado
  • Salt and freshly-ground black pepper
  • Bread
  • Butter


  • Cut an avocado into half and scoop the flesh into a bowl. Mash the avocado with a fork until chunky. Then, season it with salt and pepper.
  • Next, toast bread until browned and crisp. Once done, brush one side of each piece of the bread with butter.
  • Place the mashed avocado on the toasts and serve. You can further season it with salt to your liking. Also, you can add a sunny-side up or a soft-boiled egg to your toast for that extra kick!

#HHWT Tip: If you do not have a toaster at home, you can heat up bread on a pan on the stove. Just spread butter on one side of the bread before placing it on the pan on medium heat. Remove bread from the pan once browned.

2. Big breakfast

To kickstart a busy work-from-home day, having a big breakfast (no pun intended ?) is a wise choice. Eat breakfast like a champion with this easy big breakfast recipe!


  • Sausages
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Button mushrooms
  • 2 eggs
  • Baked beans
  • Greens (spinach leaves or lettuce)
  • Bread
  • Butter
  • Oil


  • On a non-stick frying pan, heat oil and add sausages to cook. Toss them until they are cooked through. Once done, remove them from the pan and transfer them to a plate (you will need a big plate because well, it’s a big breakfast after all).
  • Next, toss button mushrooms into the pan and cook over medium heat. Transfer them to the plate once they are tender. You can also briefly heat some cherry tomatoes in the pan if you prefer them cooked instead of raw.
  • Put a little oil into the pan and crack eggs onto it. Cook them to your liking before placing them onto the plate.
  • Heat baked beans and place them onto the plate.
  • Toast until brown and crisp. Spread some butter onto them once done. Then, place the previously cooked eggs onto the toasts and serve with the cooked button mushrooms and cherry tomatoes.
  • Add some greens onto the side of the plate and you’re done!

3. Banana pancakes

Spotted overly-ripe bananas at home and not sure what to do with them? Make delicious banana pancakes! This banana pancake recipe is healthy as it is gluten-free and dairy-free, making it the perfect choice for vegans too!


  • 2 ripe bananas
  • Half a cup of pure/ rolled/ instant oats
  • 2 eggs
  • Oil
  • Honey or maple syrup


  • Peel ripe bananas and break them into chunks before placing them in a bowl. Thoroughly mash the bananas with a fork until no large clumps remain.
  • Crack eggs into the bowl and stir. Add half a cup of oats into the batter and mix until the ingredients are all combined.
  • Next, add some oil onto a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, drop about 2 tablespoons of the batter onto the pan and pressing it down to flatten the batter into the shape of a pancake.
  • Depending on the size of your pan, repeat with dropping more batter onto the pan while leaving some space between the pancakes. If you have a small pan, do it one at a time.
  • Cook the pancakes until the bottoms are browned and golden. Then, gently flip the pancakes with a flat spatula and cook the other side for another minute until they turn brown.
  • Transfer the cooked pancakes onto a plate. Continue cooking the rest of the batter.
  • Serve while the pancakes are still warm. You can also include fresh fruits like strawberries and blueberries on the side. Drizzle honey or maple syrup onto the pancakes and you’re good to go!

4. Mushroom soup with a side of garlic bread

A piping hot bowl of mushroom soup is a comfort food we all love, so why not whip it up at home? This easy recipe makes it a great choice of food to be made in minutes!


  • Button mushrooms
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 2 diced onions
  • 1 cup of cream or regular milk
  • Italian herbs
  • 6 tablespoons of all-purpose flour
  • 4 cups of chicken or vegetarian broth
  • 4 tablespoons of butter
  • Oil
  • Salt and freshly-ground black pepper
  • Garlic spread
  • Bread


  • In a large pot, heat butter and oil over medium-high heat until the butter melts.
  • Place the onions into the pot and sauté for 2-3 minutes until they are brown. Next, insert garlic into the pot and cook until fragrant.
  • Add mushrooms as well as some herbs into the pot and cook for about 5 minutes. Then, sprinkle all-purpose flour and continue to cook for 2 minutes. Mix the ingredients well.
  • Pour chicken or vegetarian stock into the pot and bring the mixture into a boil. Reduce to low-medium heat, then season with salt and pepper.
  • Cover the pot to allow the soup to simmer or 10-15 minutes. Occasionally stir the mixture until it is thickened. Meanwhile, toast bread until browned crispy. Once done, apply garlic spread on the bread and leave aside.
  • Include either cream or regular milk into the pot of mushroom soup. Stir the soup over low heat and allow it to gently simmer. Add salt and pepper to your liking.
  • Serve the soup warm with garlic bread on the side.

5. Caesar salad

It is important to always include vegetables in your daily diet to get your ample dose of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Why not make caesar salad as a starter? It is also a cafe favourite for its freshness and nutritional value!


  • Half a cup of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 4 minced garlic cloves
  • Baguette
  • A quarter cup of lemon juice
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Salt and freshly-ground black pepper
  • 2 eggs
  • Parmesan cheese


  • First and foremost, toast baguette slices to make croutons for your salad. You can spread them on the baking tray before putting them into the oven. Meanwhile, boil 3 cups of water on either the stove or using an electric kettle.
  • Remove the bread from the oven when the tops are lightly browned.
  • Place the eggs (remember not to break them!) into a mug of boiled water and cover. Leave them to cook in the water for 7-8 minutes. Once done, crack the half-boiled eggs into a bowl.
  • For the salad dressing, whisk minced garlic and olive oil together in a large bowl. Insert the half-boiled eggs into the mixture along with some salt and pepper. Add lemon juice to taste and whisk.
  • Next, tear off romaine lettuce and add into the mixture. You can also include other vegetables of choice to your salad - from cherry tomatoes and cucumbers to onions and capsicums. Toss the vegetables in the bowl until they are thoroughly coated in the dressing.
  • Coarsely chop the toasted bread and add them into the salad. Grate parmesan cheese into the bowl and toss. Make sure to serve the salad immediately, as the leafy greens tend to get mushy when left for too long in the dressing.
  • You can also add more protein to the dish by grilling chicken breast to go with the salad.

#HHWT Tip: If you have the traditional half-boiled egg maker at home, make use of it for the perfect half-boiled egg! The simple yet widely-used kitchenware is common in Asian households - just place the eggs in and pour hot water according to the marker at the side of the plastic. The water will slowly drip to the base of the plastic acting as a timer while cooking the eggs at the same time. Once all the water is collected at the base, remove the eggs. Crack them into a bowl and voila, you have the perfect half-boiled eggs!

6. Spaghetti bolognese

Another cafe favourite that you can easily imitate at the comforts of your home kitchen is none other than spaghetti bolognese. This Italian classic is a breeze to make!


  • Olive oil
  • Salt and freshly-ground black pepper
  • Finely-chopped onion
  • 2 finely-chopped garlic cloves
  • Finely-chopped carrot
  • Italian herbs
  • Tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato puree
  • 2 cups of beef or chicken stock
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Minced meat
  • Spaghetti


  • On a large saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat. Once heated, reduce the heat and add garlic, onion, carrot and some Italian herbs. Stir fry the vegetables until softened.
  • Next, turn the heat to medium high and add minced meat into the pan. Cook for 3-4 minutes until the meat is browned.
  • Add in tomatoes, tomato puree and beef or chicken stock and stir. As the sauce begins to boil in the pan, break the tomatoes with a wooden spoon. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Cover the lid on the pan and allow the sauce to simmer for an hour, occasionally stirring it. As the sauce thickens after an hour, grate some parmesan cheese into it and stir.
  • When the sauce is almost done, cook spaghetti in a separate pot of hot water for 10-15 minutes.
  • Drain the spaghetti and plate it. Drench it with sauce and garnish with Italian herbs and grated parmesan cheese. You can also serve it with a side of toast if you like.

7. French toast

We all love the classic French toast, don’t we? Good news for you - it is super easy to make too! It is also versatile - pick any type of bread from white, whole wheat to multi-grain or sourdough - anything you like basically, and you’re good to go with this recipe!


  • Bread
  • 2 eggs
  • Butter
  • A quarter cup of milk
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Salt
  • Maple syrup


  • In a shallow dish, put in eggs, ground cinnamon, milk and a pinch of salt. Whisk the ingredients together.
  • Then, dip a slice of bread into the dish on one side before quickly flipping it to the other side so that both sides absorb the liquid. Make sure you do not dip the bread in the liquid for too long as it’ll become too wet and soggy.
  • Once both sides are coated, place the bread on a pan with melted butter over medium heat. Cook each side for 2-3 minutes.
  • Repeat the above for your remaining bread slices or until the liquid mixture is finished.
  • Serve the French toasts immediately as they are best eaten when still warm. Place a small piece of butter and drizzle some maple syrup onto your toast before eating.

8. Shepherd’s pie

Who’s in for a savoury shepherd’s pie? We are! This wholesome dish will satiate your craving for meat pie, minus the hassle of making the pastry for your pie! For the unfamiliar, a shepherd’s pie is a casserole with a layer of cooked meat and vegetables topped with mashed potatoes which is then baked in the oven.


  • 3 large peeled and chopped potatoes
  • Butter
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • 1 chopped medium onion
  • Diced carrots
  • Corn kernels
  • Peas
  • Half a cup of beef or chicken broth
  • Minced meat
  • Salt and pepper


  • In a pot, place the potatoes with enough water covering them. Add a teaspoon of salt and boil the potatoes for 20 minutes until tender.
  • While the potatoes are being cooked, melt 4 tablespoons of butter in a separate pan on medium heat. Put in garlic and chopped onions and cook until browned.
  • Add carrots, corn kernels and peas into the pan and cook until softened.
  • Next, add minced meat into the pan and stir. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • When the meat is cooked, pour beef or chicken broth onto the pan to keep the meat from drying out. Bring the mixture to a simmer and set aside.
  • Once the potatoes are done, remove them from the pot into a bowl and add some butter. Mash the potatoes with a fork until there are no clumps. You can add some salt and pepper to season the mash potatoes.
  • Preheat your oven to 200ºC. In a casserole dish, spread the meat and vegetable mixture evenly. Then, layer the mashed potatoes at the top of the mixture and spread it evenly.
  • Gently press the tip of a fork to make lines on the layer of mashed potatoes. This will create well-browned peaks on the pie after baking.
  • Pop the casserole into the oven and bake for 30 minutes until browned.

9. Scrambled egg sandwich

An easy go-to recipe that you can conveniently make in the shortest amount of time is thescrambled egg sandwich. It’ll only take at most 15 minutes of your time, perfect for busy work-from-home days!


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of milk
  • Salt and pepper
  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Bread


  • In a bowl, add eggs, milk and a pinch of salt and pepper. Beat the ingredients together.
  • Next, melt butter on a large skillet over medium heat. Pour the egg mixture into the skillet.
  • When the egg layer begins to set, gently pull any end of the layer across the pan to form a fold. As the surrounding liquid fills the void on the pan, continue to cook and pull the new layers.
  • Repeat until the folds thicken and no egg liquid remains. Remove the eggs from the pan once done.
  • Spread some butter on one side of your bread slices. Then, place the bread with the buttered side down on the skillet.
  • Top the bread evenly with scrambled eggs and place a slice of cheese above the eggs. At the same time, toast the other piece of bread at the side. Once the cheese melts, cover it with the toast.
  • Feel free to add veggies to your sandwich!

Are you salivating yet? These meals are best complemented with a cup of coffee or tea, so turn on that jazz cafe music and have your cafe-worthy meal right at the comforts of your home!

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