This Underrated Shop in Bugis Junction Sells Amazing Halal Cinnamon Rolls


This article about Star Cinnamon Rolls is written by our Tribes by HHWT member, Nurul Mimsy

If you ever crave something sweet, this hidden gem located in Bugis Junction might be the answer for your sugar craving. Tribes by HHWT member, Nurul Mimsy tried out Star Cinnamons Roll! These fluffy and moist sweet treats are halal certified, and you can even get them at a special price at certain hours.

This Underrated Shop Sells Amazing Halal Cinnamon Rolls in Bugis Junction

Stumbled upon this shop located in the basement of Bugis Junction and was totally captivated by their variety of flavours. I honestly did not expect much seeing that there was barely any queue but wanted to give their rolls a try.

To my surprise, they were super moist and soft, packed with lots of flavours. It's halal-certified and very affordable too. Definitely, something you should try!

P.S Want to try to make your own cinnamon rolls? Check out this article!

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