When you’re in your 20s, you feel like you’re going to be this young forever – the world is your oyster, you’re at the peak of your youth, you’ve never looked or felt better and the best part of it all, you’ve finally gained the independence to see the world on your own terms!
You might not believe it, but right now is the best time you’ll ever have to just hop on a plane and see the world, before other commitments like work and family get into the picture (all good things, but your life will never be the same again). Also, there’s nothing like having something awesome to look forward to!
It’s obvious that we looooooove ? traveling and experiencing new cultures wherever we’re at, but we’ve been all about the places that you need to go to, things you need to see, and yummy food that you need to eat – one thing we’ve yet to cover is why you need to travel in the first place!
Credit: giphy1. Experience what it’s like to be a Muslim in other countries and strengthen your ties with the community!
We’re part of a 1.6 billion (and growing!) community, and the world is changing along with us.
Credit: GiphyBe pleasantly surprised at how diverse we are in keeping our faith, by visiting mosques in places like London and Seoul, and meeting other like-minded individuals who share our beliefs!
2. Be an ambassador of peace and understand others better while you’re at it
Let’s face it, we live in an age where Muslims are the subject of stereotypes and scrutiny. We all know that that’s not what being a Muslim is all about, but we can’t expect others to know us before they meet us, right? By just being ourselves wherever we are in the world, we’re letting the world know that a Muslim is someone who’s all about loving your fellow man, keeping good character and respecting others (amongst other awesome things that we are of course!). After all, actions do speak louder than words ❤
Not only are others able to get to know us better, traveling also lets us understand other local cultures, and opens up our minds to new people and experiences. That’s never a loss in our books!
3. Witness the beauty of God’s creation
You can read all you want about how powdery fresh fallen snow can be...
...how breathtaking it is to see autumn in all its glory...
...or look at photos of sunrises on insanely gorgeous islands...
...but nothing beats experiencing it first hand! What better way to understand the words of God other than immersing yourself in the world that He has created for us?
4. Satisfy those cravings and try authentic local food!
Gone are the days when it’s hard to find authentic local food in countries such as Korea, Japan, or Hong Kong, and when we were just confined to visiting Muslim countries. You can say goodbye to packed meals every day and looking on forlornly while the locals chow down on their meals – we’re now able to try halal yakiniku, eat our way through the streets of Bangkok or eat burgers in London!
The world has opened up for Muslim travelers, and we should just be as open to the world too!
5. Be a part of a century old Islamic tradition!
Ibn Batutta (one of the greatest travelers of all time, who also happens to be Muslim), started traveling at the age of 20 and never stopped for the next 29 years of his life. He visited around 40 present-day countries in his time – that’s definitely a great feat for travelers back in the day who didn’t have the luxuries that we have in this day and age.
Credit: Grabr on Facebook
6. Gain new experiences – Your life will be more interesting!
Someday, you’re going to take over the world and be the CEO of the next big thing – but how are you gonna get there without first experiencing what life has to offer? Traveling opens you up in ways that you couldn’t have imagined, and lets you truly know yourself while you’re at it.
#HHWT Tip: Employers are also always on the lookout for candidates who are well rounded and can bring value to the company. Having travelled outside your comfort zone definitely helps! It shows initiative and a love for learning ?
7. Give back, and get back
Traveling is also the best time that you’ll get to reach out and help others. Instead of just donating online to your local charity, why not volunteer your time to others who are in need wherever in the world you are?
Credit: Zakat Foundation of America on Facebook
It makes us more grateful for our blessings, and humbler in our everyday life. There’s nothing like the feeling of making a difference in someone else’s life ? After all, Muslims are a very charitable bunch!
8. Learn planning and budgeting skills…and how to just wing it!
There’s no better way of learning how to be an adult other than trying to plan a trip on a shoestring budget!
Credit: giphy…And if things don’t go as planned, it also challenges your creativity and teaches you to take things in stride like a champ!
9. You’ll never regret traveling. If not now, when?
Instead of counting down the days to the weekend, isn’t it more exciting to countdown to your next grand adventure? You’re never going to have as much time on your hands (and as much good health!) than you do right now. Don’t wait for the world to pass you by!
10. You’ll be able to appreciate where you are and what you have, right here and now.
Sometimes, we take the people and places that we’re used to for granted – that’s normal. But there’s nothing like being away from home that makes you love it even more – Your siblings aren’t as annoying as you thought they were, and man do you miss your mom’s cooking. You’ll definitely be able to better appreciate how much God has blessed us ?
Credit: hijabtravellers on Instagram
“How much time have you already spent worrying, instead of doing something that you love?"
So what’s driving you out the door today?
P.S. Now that you're convinced, here are 18 places you need to visit in 2018!
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